Prom 2025

Prom 2025 - May 3rd, 2025 at The Observatory OC
Prom 2025 - May 3rd, 2025 at The Observatory OC![]()
Prom 2025 - May 3rd, 2025 at The Observatory OC
Guest tickets for Prom must be purchased in person by 3:30 pm on Thursday, May 1st. Limited tickets for ANHS students may be available on Friday, May 2nd until 3:30pm, with no ASB discounted rate available.
Guests will be allowed at this dance. Guests are considered any non-ANHS student, who will be under the age of 21 on the day of the dance and ANHS Freshmen and Sophomores. Middle school students may not attend. If you are intending to bring a non-ANHS guest, or an ANHS Freshman or Sophomore, you will need to have a GUEST CONTRACT on file. Guest Contracts can be linked below. Guest tickets MUST be purchased AT the ASB kiosk in person and must be accompanied by an approved guest contract.
Guest contracts must be completed and approved PRIOR to purchasing the guest ticket. Return the guest contract found below to the Activities Director for approval by 3:30 pm on Wednesday, April 30th. The last day to purchase guest tickets is Thursday, May 1st at 3:30 pm.
BUS/LIMO Contract
BUS/LIMO Contract![]()
BUS/LIMO Contract
If students wish to utilize group transportation, and the vehicle will have 12 or more people, a limo/bus contract must be submitted and approved ahead of time.
Approval is contingent upon Aliso Niguel HS Administrative review and the form below must be signed by the Assistant Principal and returned to Activities Director, Mrs. Ross, by Thursday, May 1st, 2025 at 3:30pm.
ANHS students must bring their student ID; which is linked to their ticket into the dance.
Students wishing to rent a limo/bus for transportation to the dance must submit a bus/limo contract. See the information to the right.
Tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable.
All detentions and Saturday schools must be completed in order to attend the dance. Refunds will not be given if a student has not fulfilled this requirement.
Dance hours are 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. Students must check-in by 8:30 p.m. to be admitted into the dance, and they will not be allowed to leave the dance until 9:30 p.m., unless prior arrangements have been made with Mrs. Ross at cpross by Wednesday, April 30th.
There will be a pocket search before entering the dance. In addition, ANHS administration will be breathalyzing all students at the entrance to the dance. Any student testing positive for alcohol will be directed to the administration for further analysis. This procedure serves as a deterrent to student drinking and empowers students with an additional tool to make the right choices.
Bags and purses are prohibited. A small clutch bag is allowed. Prohibited items: gum/chapstick, mints, candy, tobacco, alcohol, canes/chains, glow-in-the-dark items, liquids, perfume, glass, writing utensils, weapons, outside food and drink, water bottles, chargers, and possibly additional items per security discretion. If you have these items at check-in, you can either throw them away or return them to your vehicle.
Items students can have are keys, phone, ID, and a coat/extra shoes. Medications and medical devices and any other items must be cleared with the Activities Director, Mrs. Ross, at by the Wednesday prior to the dance.
A coat check will be available to secure items at no charge to students.
Please make sure you follow the dance guidelines and dress code that is on the Activities Dance Contract that was signed on Parent Portal during registration.
You must wear shoes at all times and tennis shoes are welcome! Coat check will not accept shoes unless you have another pair of shoes to wear during the dance.
At approximately 8:45 p.m., a list will be generated with the names of any students who purchased a ticket but did not show up at the entrance for scanning. Parents will be notified that their student did not come to the dance.
Students must be dressed appropriately at all times. This is a district-wide dress/grooming standard. Students who are out of compliance with these standards, without proper attire, will not be allowed into any dance/activity until parents are contacted to bring appropriate attire or to pick up the student.
Dress code for all activities:
- Dresses must be appropriate length, which is mid-thigh, including the side slit in leg. Slits on dresses or skirts that end above mid-thigh are not permitted. Dresses that expose any skin in the midriff area are not acceptable, including bare sides and open backs below the waist.
- Strapless/spaghetti straps are allowed
- Shorts may not expose the crotch or buttocks area.
- Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
The following items are prohibited:
- Stretchy (lycra, spandex, bubble dresses, etc.) or tight-fitting skirts that may creep up
- Bandeau/Tube/Scarf tops or tops that are excessively low cut, have plunging necklines or show bare midriff or sides
- Canes, chains, or masks
In addition to the above standards, dress code for prom, which is a formal dance include the following:
- Shirts must be worn throughout the dance - undershirts may not be worn in lieu of shirt
- All shirts must be collared and have sleeves
- No jeans or shorts