- General
Make-up Work
Students shall be given the opportunity to make up school work missed because of an excused absence or suspension and shall receive full credit if the work is turned in according to the school's established make-up schedule. (BP-6154a)
Parent/student should contact their teachers via School Loop and check teacher’s websites for homework in the event they are absent. Any homework instructed by teacher for the student to be picked up is held in our attendance office. Our attendance office hours are 7:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Independent Study Contract
Independent Study Contracts are for students planning on missing regular instruction time due to extended absences for a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 school days per contract.
The Attendance office needs at least ten days notice in order to collect the assignments and necessary signatures.
Parents are required to come in person to the attendance office during school business hours to sign each contract. Please call the attendance office to schedule a day and time to sign the necessary contracts. Before leaving for the trip, students must return contracts to the office where we will retain a portion of the contract forms. State attendance auditors closely audit Independent Study contracts, and all steps must be followed completely. All work assigned is due in the Attendance Office on the student's first day back at school.
Attendance Policies
Attendance Policies![]()
Attendance Policies
Absence Procedures
Student attendance has a direct impact upon student achievement, and it is our desire at Aliso Niguel High School to promote positive attendance habits. We invite you to maintain regular communication with our attendance staff. Should your student need to miss school, please call our office at (949) 831-9461 the same day as the absence.
If it is after office hours, please leave a voicemail. Please speak slowly and clearly in your message and provide:
- Student's full name (spell)
- Grade
- Best phone number at which to reach you
Additionally, please leave one of the reasons for the absence listed below:
- Illness, including medical appointments.
- Funerals
- Court Date
- Religious Event
- College Visits
Please note that any absences not listed above, such as Personal Reasons, Personal Business, non-medical appointments, car or bike trouble, vacations, birthdays, oversleeping, etc. are considered unexcused. It is up to the discretion of the teachers to allow make up work.
Students must be in class at the bell or may be marked absent by their teacher. The absence mark can be changed to tardy if the student is late to class and has checked in with Attendance.
Attendance Hotlines
24-Hour Sick Line (949) 831-9461
Late Arrival / Early Out (949) 831-9469 or (949) 831-9461, #2
All STUDENTS ARRIVING LATE TO SCHOOL AT ANY TIME MUST REPORT TO THE ATTENDANCE OFFICE AND SIGN IN WITH ATTENDANCE. Students will receive an Excused or Unexcused Tardy slip and may then go to class.
Students arriving after the bell, who have not had a parent or guardian excuse them in advance, will be assigned Lunch Tutorial in the small gym. We encourage parents to call Attendance by 9:30 a.m. so their student(s) will not serve a Lunch Tutorial. Students who are tardy to one or more classes after lunch will serve a Lunch Tutorial the next school day in the small gym. Any Lunch Tutorial not served will result in an Afternoon School, unless prior arrangements have been made with Student Services.
A Saturday School will be assigned to students when tardy seven or more times to the same class.
Leaving School Early
Please note that the earlier you reach out to the Attendance office, the more likely it is that your child's pass will be ready when they need to leave campus
It is sometimes necessary for students to leave before the school day is over. In this case, a parent/guardian must contact the attendance office prior to the student leaving campus. ANHS Attendance requests that you call prior to 9:30 a.m. or at least two hours prior to your student leaving campus. Your student is responsible to come to the Attendance office before he/she leaves campus and pick up a prearranged Off Campus pass. Your student may do so before school, during passing period and at lunch.
Students who leave campus without prior parent permission and receipt of an Off Campus pass from Attendance are considered truant. Parents are unable to clear the truancy after the fact.
*Students who need to leave school during a class period must pick up their Off Campus pass prior to going to the class they will be leaving from. Students are expected to present their Off Campus pass to their teacher at the start of class.
Please coordinate with your child the details regarding his/her early departure from school and where you will pick-up your child. The school recommends that students be picked up near the flagpole.
Any absence that is not cleared by the office within 72 hours (Ed. Code) will become a truancy and disciplinary action may be taken by the discipline office. The primary parent/guardian is notified by email and voice message(s) when the student has been marked absent for one or more classes. Parents/guardians can also check absences through their Parent Portal.
Wolverine+ is an opportunity for students to acquire extracurricular help, seek out teachers on a one-on-one basis, work cooperatively with other students, and get targeted support in a small group setting. Students schedule their Wolverine+ classes on a weekly basis through the Enriching Students platform. Students must attend the class they are scheduled for. Wolverine+ is a required part of the instructional program and attendance is taken daily. This class appears as “8th” period on student attendance records.
Attendance Correction Forms
A student who feels he/she has been marked incorrectly absent from a class, may get a yellow Attendance Correction Form from the Attendance windows. It is the student’s responsibility to fill out the form, have their teacher sign it, and then return the form to Attendance. Attendance will make the necessary correction(s) per the teacher’s signature.
Make-up Work
Students shall be given the opportunity to make up school work missed because of an excused absence or suspension and shall receive full credit if the work is turned in according to the school's established make-up schedule. (BP-6154a)
Parents/students should contact their teachers via Canvas and check their teacher’s websites for homework in the event they are absent. Any homework left for a student by a teacher may be picked up by the student in the Main office. Office hours are 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Independent Study Contract
Independent Study Contracts are for students planning on missing regular instruction time due to extended absences for a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 14 school days per contract. Students may not exceed a total of 14 days in any given school year.
The Attendance office needs at least a 10-day notice in order to coordinate with the teachers and obtain necessary signatures.
Independent Study contracts will not be issued the first two weeks of a semester, the last week of a school year, or during final exams. Please plan accordingly.
Parents and students are required to come in person to the Attendance office during school business hours to sign each contract. Please call Attendance to schedule a day and time. State attendance auditors closely audit Independent Study contracts, and all steps must be followed completely. All work assigned is due in the Attendance Office on the student's first day back at school as per the contract.
Delivering Messages or Personal Items
There is a drop off table in our Main office for parents to leave items for their students to pick up but items are left at your own risk! Sports bags/equipment must be placed in a student’s locker and cannot be left.
Our goal is to maintain a learning environment that is uninterrupted. Please note that the Attendance office and Main office does not deliver items or messages to students in non-emergency situations. Students are responsible for bringing everything with them at the start of the day. This includes homework, study materials, uniforms, and lunches. We appreciate your understanding that instructional time should not be interrupted.
Excused Absence - Student Observance of Religious Holidays
The student and/or parent have the responsibility to make arrangements with the classroom teacher for any make-up assignments. The classroom teacher will make every effort not to schedule tests during or on the school day following religious holidays and will provide make-up assignments or inform students of post-holiday tests prior to the holiday being observed. The student will be allowed two (2) days for each day of absence to make up assignments and/or tests, if tests must be scheduled during the period absence or on the day he/she returns to class. Additional time may be given at the classroom teacher's discretion. (BP-6154a)